Tuesday, May 30, 2006

M.A.P.M Missionary Awareness Program Ministries


Mission Awareness Program!
Reaching Missionaries in Their Needs!
M.A.P Ministry Beliefs and Goals:

I believe that there is no greater call then that of being a missionary. Being a missionary does not always mean leaving your home and family and friends or even your country, but more times then not it does require just that.
Too many times we forget that the missionary is a real person just like you and me. For some reason we only focus on their work on the mission field and we don’t think of their everyday lives. Can you image being thousands of miles away from anyone and anything that is familiar to you and then you also have the sole responsibility of leading people to Christ. In order to fulfill the call of a missionary more times then not you must give up everything that you have except just a few personal belongings to go to a far away land where you will begin your new life. God most certainly provides for those He has called to do His work, but that doesn’t mean that the life of a missionary is going to be easy. When a missionary goes to another country, they are only aloud to take so many things with them, depending of course on their destination, and as soon as their supplies like toothpaste or shampoo or even favorite snack foods run out, they may not be able to get those same things again, some times for years at a time. Yes, most of them will be able to buy the items they need for everyday life, but sometimes it is just nice and a comfort when you are so far away from home to be able to have the things that you had at home.
I truly believe that one of the most important ways that we can minister to our missionaries is to help them be comfortable in their new surroundings. There are so many things that our missionaries need besides just personal items, and tools for their mission field, they also need to know that we at home are praying for them. Instead of waiting until they are home on furlough or for a visit, we need to let them feel us reaching out to them on a regular basis.
We often forget that a missionary family with children has everyday things to attend to like going to the dentist, or making sure the kids get their homework done. In other words, missionary families live life everyday just as we do, but the difference is, they do not always have the some advantages that we have here in the States.
My goal is to help your church understand the life of a missionary and what it takes to fulfill that call. I want to be able to share with others what God has shown to me through the many missionary families I have known and my own missionary experience. We can help the missionary fulfill their call by helping them stay encouraged and giving them just a small part of home away from home.
I believe that raising money for missions is very important, but I want to show God’s people another way they can minister to the missionary out in their field. I hope that you will allow God to continue His work in this area by teaching the people of your church about missions and that great call.

God Bless You,
Amy Hosp

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