Sunday, December 16, 2007

Time is Flying??

How many more days 'till Christmas???? Oh my goodness. This year seems that it is has gone by so fast. I know that the saying is that the older you get the faster that time goes, but I never really believed... why would time go by faster for one person and not the other who is taking up the same amount of space in the world. I know there are many things about God and the creation of the world that we don't understand and you know that God does not run on our time clock so to speak, but I do feel like time is going by faster and faster. I really don't think it has anything to do with getting older, but I do believe that it has to do with Jesus coming back. I don't have any Scripture backing that up but maybe that would be a good Bible study to do?

I wanted to share some of my pictures that I have taken in the past few weeks.... I love taking pictures and it is one of two hobbies that I have. The other is making bracelets with beads. I want to sell them but I just haven't gotten at it yet......just like many other things....

Ok.... these are pictures of our Christmas family gathering and myself and a few other interesting things....
The Baby with Santa is my cousin and Santa is my dad.

I am looking back to at my blogs and I am seeing that I need to step up my blogging, no not clogging... I don't dance, but I mean that I need to start posting some interesting things so that you will want to come back and read some more.

I hope that you have a very very Merry Christmas and if you haven't been over to Liberty's blog please pop over and see some Christmas greetings from me and my friends.... hehehehe

Monday, November 26, 2007

Long Time No Type

Once again time has gone by so quickly. It seems that when you are busy time flys and when you are not it just crawls by but it doesn't seem that either has happened to me except that both have happened... see how confused I am......

Anyway, I am about to move once again. I am moving HOME to Frisco. I found an apartment and I am moving in Jan. I am ready for a change and to find a job..... Not much has been going on... just hanging out with family and friends and Liberty. We go to the dog park almost every day unless it is wet or cold... no, not her nose... the weather.

Keep watching for updates here and even more so, thoughts that are rolling around in my head that need somewhere to land so why not here....

Remember as we speed into the Christmas season that Jesus is the Reason for the Season...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Just a bit of an update

This is a picture of the building where I live.... I love it here and I can't believe how time flys. I have always heard that the older you get the faster time goes by.... well, I don't think those people were lying to me. So many things are happening in my life and they are all good. I am still working as a missionary at my apartment complex and I love being with the people. It is hard to believe that I have been home from Nigeria for a year a-half and I have been here at The Homes Of Parker Commons for a year already. I had been applying for several jobs over the past several months and I have not taken any of them. I had also started visting a new church and it was good while it lasted but it just wasn't home. I am now back home where I have been a member for 5 years where I have always been fed. I feel in my heart after lots of prayer that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing for this time and I am happy to say that because it feels really good.

I am in contact all the time with people from different parts of the world and my heart burns with missions and I pray that God will continue to use me in areas to bring forth the coming of His Kingdom here on earth. I want to ask you to join in with me and pray for God to continue to bless me and keep me as I learn more everyday how to grow in the knowledge and strenght of His might and love and to use the gifts and talents He has given me for this very purpose.


This is my new puppy Liberty. I got her in Feb. and she is now 4.5 months old. She is such a joy to have. I haven't had a puppy in somewhat of 20 years and I have never had one by myself and I truly had no idea what I was getting myself into. I can also tell you that I have never bent over so much in my whole life......but it is all very good for me.
I am so thankful that God put her in my life. She is a challenge most of the time but I do find myself laughing at her most of the day. This is a great thing that God has done for me, giving me Liberty, to free me from my sorrow and saddness even though it wasn't terminal....but I did need some help to stop focusing on me all the time and Liberty is helping me do that. I am also seeing more things besides just Liberty when I am not so busy looking at myself, I am seeing more and more of God's greatness in my life.
Has anyone told you lately how great God is, or better yet, have you told God how great He is? You know that God is a loving God and He loves to hear us tell Him how much we love Him. We love Him because He first loved us. I hope that you will take sometime out today to tell God just how much you love Him and if you are struggling with that then take sometime today to count how many things are going well with you and see if that doesn't help you feel Gods love a bit more.
Be Blessed!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Gotta Love That Snow!!!!!

I love snow! I don't know if I will ever not love it. I am sure that if I lived in a place where it snowed all through the winter and then some and lots of it I might get a bit tired of it, but I don't think that I would ever not love it.
Wow, this has been a hard week. I had surgery on Tuesday and I am still very sore today on Sunday. I am doing fine except for the fact that I am very sleepy. Yesterday I went to the store for the first time since surgery and I thought by the time I got home I had lost all the years between now and 80 years from now and all of a sudden I was about to be 81. My goodness. Today I drove back to my apartment after staying with my parents and then I had company to host and just let me say that today I think I might be turning 82.
Well, I hope that more snow comes this year to our town and I hope there will be enough to go out and play in it.
I am really too tired to write much more so I will say bye for now.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ode To Flamin' Hot Cheetos

Oh the joy,
Oh the splendor
Oh the PAIN!
The first little bite is bold, not only on the part of the biter but on the burst of sudden flavor that is different than any other experience. That’s not so bad, you think, so away you go with three or four other red dyed chunks of crunch. Wow, now that is hot but wait……….
Air gets in as you talk and well, let’s just say it fans the flames.
Away you go searching for liquid, hot, cold, coke, water, anything…..
Out of desperation, still holding the bag of Cheetos, you grab the collar of your shirt and fan and flap it, as if that will help. Then you wave your hand in front of your face seeing red fingers and after wondering if your body is about to burst into flames as the red indicators at the end of your arms suggest, you realize you now have red dye on you clothes. As your eyes begin to water from tears of grief and tears of, well, being a sissy, you quickly reach up and rub away a tear but within a Milo-second the pain hits yours eyes and your body is thrown into a lurching dance and you are now hoping around somewhat moaning and still looking for liquid. Soon, after an hour or so, everything cools down and you tell yourself, “Oh that wasn’t so bad” and you reach for just one more.
Amy Hosp 2004

I used to work at Ft Worth ISD and the kids would eat these all the time and so I thought that I would just try them to see what the big deal was. Well, let me tell you, if you think you would like to try these then be ready for an experience that will change your life... not only will you lose sleep from the heart burn later that night... you will start to crave the darn things.

Updated: Liberty my dog also likes these but she to thinks they are hot. I offer her a flamin' hot cheeto and she reaches out stretching her neck as far as she can and then she moves her lips back, out of the way of the cheeto and takes it and eats it. It is really funny to watch her work to keep her lips out of the way. I am sure they burn her lips just the same as they do mine.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What a Great Rule!

You know this is a great rule. Don't you think so. I am always looking for a new way to have fun. I am here at home and have been it seems forever..... I am applying for several jobs right now and I have one that looks very very hopeful. Of course this would not be my life's calling to work this certain job but for the time being it will be good, mainly because it comes with a paycheck. I haven't had a paycheck since Aug of 2005...... can you believe that? Well, all I have to say is that God provides but now I want to give Him a rest and my parent's a rest as well. Have mercy! Please pray that the right job will come along and all will be paid well...........
and remember to make things fun no matter waht is going on.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Great Day In The Morning.... It's Snowing!!!!!

HEY.....SNOW IN TEXAS....This is nice, I love snow. This is a picture from my window looking at downtown Ft Worth. I stayed inside all day and watched TV and stayed under the blankets. Snow always amazes me... the silence that it brings and the stillness that seems to hover all around. It is almost as if the snow is demanding our attention in the way that it changes everything that it touches. I love the snow!!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Same ol' same ol'

Goodness...... 5 months and here I am again with no real excuses about why I haven't blogged???? Well, I wish I had some great exciting news to tell. None, just the same old same old. Let's see in the past 5 months I still don't have a job, I am working at the apartment still and I love it, but no money coming in is a bit old. I have been in contact more with Akan in Nigeria, my best friend in the whole wide world, and that always makes me smile. I found a little church where I am getting to minister in song and I love it. Good old fashion preaching, get your stuff right or you are going to end up in hell. I love that kinda preaching.... of course there is more to it than that, but can't find to many preachers these days willing to tell the plain truth.

My family is all doing fine and they are all happy. I sure wish that I would be better about being in touch with extended family......maybe that will be something that I will try to do for the new year.

I do plan to write more more often and now that I have it written down, maybe I will actually do it........ time will tell.