Monday, November 26, 2007

Long Time No Type

Once again time has gone by so quickly. It seems that when you are busy time flys and when you are not it just crawls by but it doesn't seem that either has happened to me except that both have happened... see how confused I am......

Anyway, I am about to move once again. I am moving HOME to Frisco. I found an apartment and I am moving in Jan. I am ready for a change and to find a job..... Not much has been going on... just hanging out with family and friends and Liberty. We go to the dog park almost every day unless it is wet or cold... no, not her nose... the weather.

Keep watching for updates here and even more so, thoughts that are rolling around in my head that need somewhere to land so why not here....

Remember as we speed into the Christmas season that Jesus is the Reason for the Season...