Monday, December 13, 2021




By Amy Hosp 6-25-19

There’ so much to get done is always a statement that I make as so many of us do. Our goal is to get things done so that we can rest. In the so much to do area there is always so many things to work through to get things done. For me as of the time of writing this, the pain that I have in my side right now from who knows what, but it’s been there for a long time, is a reminder that there is always going to be something that I have to work through or around or because of. I wish for just a few seconds, not even minutes, but a few seconds that I could have a pain free body and an unattached brain that is not forever connected with my body. I know that would mean some kind of head injury or a break with reality somehow, not that I would complain, but things are what they are so I’m a bit stuck where I am so my best choice is to do the next right thing. Most of the time I am truly guessing at what that is. I find it eventually and even it’s an action of getting something done, or an action of resting, I do it. Oh, it might take me a while to get to it, but I do it.  The thought of resting as an action, is intriguing to me. Most people call resting being lazy. What’s wrong with resting. The Bible says that a man that doesn’t work doesn’t eat, but resting doesn’t mean not working, it means resting from work in the working sense of things. God rested on the 7th day, not only because He was setting an example for us to rest, but He wanted to look at all He had created. He called everything He created good when He made it, but He took a day to rest, reflect and look over what He had made. God doesn’t need to encourage Himself, but He does get Glory for all He has done and is doing and will do. As a matter of fact, He tells us in Romans that His creation is such that it points people to Him. It says in Romans that no man has an excuse of knowing that there is a God. Creation, in my opinion, is such that one cannot look around themselves without wondering how things were made or came to be and that’s because of its beauty. This brings me back to resting by the way.  If you stay in the concrete jungle where everything is manmade and full of the life of business, then you aren’t going to stop and wonder how things were made. It’s more likely that you will take things for granted, maybe all of it for granted.  Granted taking leads us down a dark path of self-indulgence, isolation, and gluttony, either the traditional form of the word or in a newer way of it, given ourselves what we see and want rather than what we need. Granted taking’s dark path also finds a place for our withdrawal from God because in that business we often are too busy to attend a church, much less be a member of a church. Even being a member of a church can draw us away from God because church membership can cause a whole other level of busyness to life. It’s a good thing to serve God and work for Him, but without rest, that service is really a waste of our time. I say our time because in busy service we still can and do touch and positively impact other’s lives. It’s not in vain to be a busy anything, a mom, a dad, or a soccer coach, a schoolteacher, a Sunday school teacher, a youth worker, a city volunteer, and all the other things a community needs to make it a community, it’s in your personal life that resting keeps us from suffering.

When do we as believers in Christ take time to rest and reflect on our lives? If you already have a time that you do this, and I’m not talking about the trash talk that we often are so good at about ourselves, I’m talking about reflecting on what is good, what we need more or less of, what we have that is working and is not working, what we have loved or are loving and what we don’t love and need to get away from, then you are on a good path and one that has far more light than the granted taking path has. What if God never took that time to rest and reflect on what He had done? Would He have been too busy like we are and forget things He wanted and needed to do? Would He had taken on a role where He began to trash talk to Himself about what was left undone, or what He could have done better if only He were not too busy to focus on what was at hand to be done? If that was true, not only do I think the earth would have imploded a long time ago, but if it did last as long as until now, I think it would be a non-safe, dangerous, lousy place to live. I know my life turns out that way, a lousy place to live because I have not taken the time to check in on me. Whatever checking that is that needs to be checked on doesn’t get done because I don’t take the time to rest and reflect. I know most of us have at least one day, or a half of a day that we can spend doing next to nothing but binge watch TV and while that type of resting is ok, it doesn’t give us the reflecting part of resting.

Resting and reflecting go hand in hand if you are truly resting. Not trying to get caught up on your sleep, although a nap may be needed to get to the reflecting part, but it’s the kind of resting that isn’t always sitting down and doing nothing. Resting that involves reflecting is giving yourself permission to be just you. Being just you is not doing things only you can do for others, or because no one else can do as well as you, it’s being who you believe deep down inside of yourself who you believe you were created to be. Many of us are afraid of that place inside of us and many more of us have no clue what this even means or where to begin to find that person. I had a tough time with that at one point and to be completely honest sometimes I have to really search to remember who that person is inside of me. This being just you stuff is easy but at the same time it takes a while to get to the easy part of it. Just being you! Doesn’t it sound alluring and exciting and beautiful? Doesn’t it also sound like a lot of work and remembering and reflecting, sometimes on things that are painful and difficult and just annoying? I agree with all of that and much more, but I have learned that the more I am just being me the easier it becomes and the more and more I like it and how good it feels to look back at my progress of doing such a potentially arduous task. I see shocking things about myself along the way, both shocking things that I had no idea was needing work, such as an attitude or judgment, but shocking things like how much fun it can be to crawl through a bobbed wire fence, even getting poked by the bobbed wire or getting my clothes hung on the fence, to be able to reach a beautiful site that before I would have not even bothered to find. I’m also shocked at times what I risk on this journey of just being me, like trespassing or going against the “norm” of society or eating that stinky nasty fish or veggie that made me gag when I was a kid. If I just rest on the couch for the sake of sitting down and not using energy, I may reflect some, but it’s usually not even in a useful way. It’s when I do something active that resting becomes reflective for me. I’m disabled so being active at times for me is very difficult and during those times all I can do is sit on the couch and rest I try to do so with a favorite book, or with my journal in front of me. I don’t even always have the ability to write in a journal or draw or paint of whatever one can do creatively just sitting down so on those days I use my art or journals and look at them and read and take time to see where I’ve been and think about where I’m headed or hope to be headed and how or what I need to do to get to that place. For me, doing something that I enjoy with just me, no one else, opens me up to me. To the me inside that was created by God to do certain things. Resting and reflecting teaches me and reminds me of why I am here on earth, and it gives me a sense of direction and purpose and hope and a vision. With all of the things resting affords me I find that getting busy doing those things is resting to me because I’m no longer striving to find me, or to satisfy myself or others. Resting by being busy doing and being what God created me to be takes tons of pressure off of me. I can relax and enjoy what I’m doing and once I’ve done those things and accomplished things lost to myself, I just keep resting. Resting brings more resting and also reflecting.

This resting thing is a Biblical principle by the way. The Bible tells us to rest in the arms of God, to lean on Him for our understanding, to sit under His wings for safety, to renew ourselves in His Word, to fellowship with Him, to rest one day a week so we can focus on Him. All of those things puts us in an avenue where God can reach us without having to get our attention or stop us in our tracks to speak to us. Resting keeps us in touch with God on a daily basis it is in that relationship we find our reflection. The Bible tells us that the closer we are with God, meaning the more that we depend on Him the more clearly, we can see ourselves. At first when we look through the glass at ourselves it is a dark reflection that we see but the more we rest in God the more clearly that reflection of ourselves becomes. I’m not talking pie in the sky, poof, all your problems are gone kinda stuff here. Pie in the sky is a great example of that. Wouldn’t having pie in the sky be great? Just think about it for a second, pie in the sky, it would not only smell delicious and be satisfying to be able to just reach up and grab a piece of pie of any kind that you wanted, but it would be messy and sticky and some of the fruit pies would stain everything and think of the sugar rushes from eating too much pie. People running around acting all willy nilly like kids the day after Halloween from gorging on candy. This would get out of hand very quickly if we really did have pie in the sky answers and fixes to reflecting on ourselves. Sometimes it is easy but let’s be real, sometimes it’s going to be hard to look at ourselves. I know for myself I faced lots of regret and shame and many other hard to face emotions. It’s just part of the process though. The seeing ourselves more clearly part of looking through a glass is the part where there is sin in our lives. The more we see God and rest with Him and in Him the more of the sin in our lives begin to disappear. Yes, we have to turn from sin, which is an action by the way, but that turning is heartfelt and desired because sin separates us from God and once, we learn to rest and reflect and find that created being that He planned for us to be and want us to be the more we want that in our lives to. As long as I am not focusing on the created by God part of me the more easily I fall into sin which interrupts my fellowship with God which causes me to throw myself, even unaware to me, into the busyness of life, which for me is a sign that I am searching for me. It’s a balance of both worlds and I understand that. Of course, as I said earlier, we have to have business to make the world work, but we also need rest to make the world work.

I hope that you find some time to rest, and I hope that you have seen some reflections of yourself in my ponderings about rest. There is no set formula for resting. The importance of resting is doing how you need to do it and that might change from time to time, my own resting actions sure change. I know one thing for sure, resting is a gift! Be a gift giver to not only yourself but to the world around you and to God by remembering to rest in Him.




Monday, October 25, 2021

The Revival that Could and DID!

 The Revival that Could and DID!

My name is Amy Hosp and I want to share with you what I have seen God do in a little sleepy town of Dawson Springs Kentucky through the Evangelist Eddie Coe and his wife Worship leader Heather Coe.

On Saturday Oct 9, 2021, I was in the midst of a trip home back to Ft Worth TX. I had spent time in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama and was at the time passing through Kentucky. I had seen so many beautiful sights and learned new history about my birth family and of course history about the states I had visited but more than anything I had learned that driving a long time during the day makes you very tired. The last time I did any type of trip like this I was a small child which meant that I did none of the driving so I had no idea how tired I would be at this point. I had been traveling for 2 weeks already and didn’t really have a plan. See, I stepped out in faith and in a van that I had bought just a few weeks prior to this for the sole purpose of doing missions out on the road and going wherever and whenever God told me to go. Up to this point I had seen some really beautiful things that I longed to see for ages such as the Smokey Mountains, and the color of trees in the fall, in Texas the color on the trees in fall seem to last a few days, or at least not long enough to get out to enjoy the sight of the changing leaves. I saw these things and they are beautiful and I had seen some historical things here and there and not always on purpose, but it was time I thought to head home. I wasn’t hearing from God any certain direction to take, all I knew is that I didn’t want to drive through Mississippi, it’s a super boring drive for me, and besides that I wanted to drive a way that I had never gone before. I had been to Alabama just a few weeks prior to that so I felt that I had covered that southern drive.

After deciding that I for sure was going to go a different route I settled my van toward the new direction and drove until I was past tired. I decided that I would find a place to stop and rest and maybe even spend the night and start out again the next day. Let me step out of my story for a minute and tell you an important fact to understand about this story that I’m telling you. For the past month or even more I had been wanting to attend a revival. I looked and looked around the town where I live to find a church that was having a revival. Bingo, I found one at First Baptist Azle TX. I was on my way to visit a friend and I saw in their parking lost a big tent and I knew it was a revival. So, I excitedly drove through the parking lot and right back out again without stopping promising myself I was stop by on Tuesday night, this was on Monday. Well, on Tuesday it rained and rained and rained right at the time that the service was to start so I didn’t go. After that I gave up on finding a revival in the area where I lived. Now, back to the story…

Being so tired I was very relieved have found a Marathon Gas station to be able to stop for a rest. I went inside to use the restroom and on a bulletin board that was on the wall leading into the restroom I saw a flyer advertising a nightly revival with Evangelists Eddie and Heather Coe at Dawson Springs Revival Center. I knew that was a God and that He had set up my day for me. My new plan, rest and go to the revival that night and continue toward home the next day. After that stop I found myself seeking out the address on the flyer and quickly found that there was no church looking anything at the address. Disappointed I decided to look around this small town, which I didn’t even know the name of yet, to see if any churches had anything showing there was a revival at their facility. I found nothing. At this point I was feeling very determined to find this revival, after all I had been wanting to go to one for a more that a month by now. Soon I found myself back at the gas station on the edge of town to take a picture of the flyer so I could use my resource skills to track down this revival. Searching for the Pastor Adam Berry and his wife Laura online turned up nothing. So, next I looked at the evangelist name on the flyer, Eddie and Heather Coe and I continued my sleuthing finding Eddie on Facebook and also his phone number. I called the number so excited knowing that I was about to hear a sweet kind voice that was going to direct me straight to the revival at 7 that evening.  I dialed the number and the voice on the other end simply said, “Who’s speaking?” He really was very kind and told me that there was a women’s conference right then at the church and they were serving lunch and that I if I went right now, I would be able to have free lunch. That sounded like a good deal to me so I found the church with his directions and it was the most incredible thing that had happened to me in a long time.

Not only was the conference very inspiring but the ladies there were so nice and loving and of course invited me back that evening. I met Heather there that afternoon and I felt a very strong connection right away, like I had known her for years and I found myself opening up to her in ways that I usually reserve until I feel I can trust the person.

During the conference I learned that the Coe’s had been in Dawson Springs Kentucky holding 50 days of revival and had just the previous week planted a new church right there where the conference was being held. I call this blog entry The Little Revival That Could and Did because God DID a big thing in this little place of Dawson Springs Kentucky and is stilling doing big things.

My story of how I decided to travel in a van and just go wherever I felt God leading me and why the Coe’s would go to a little sleepy place like Dawson Springs may raise the question of how you know that God is or isn’t telling you to do something. I’m not going to tell you all about that because I believe that God speaks to each of us according to our personalities. What I am going to tell you is that once you step out in faith and start doing what God has said, or what you think He has said, you will start to see confirmations along the way that you are on the right track. Finding that flyer for the revival was my first sign that I was on the right track. For the new Dawson Springs Revival Center, which is the name of this new church, and the Coe’s things started showing up from the beginning of the revival to show them that they were on the right track for going home in the direction I had chosen. I don’t know all that happened to show them the right track before I got there, I’ve just heard pieces of the story here and there but from the time that I showed up I saw so much happen in favor of this movement that the only way a person would miss that God is involved is if they were blind and even then God would have healed that blindness by the end of your first visit to this revival.

When I got to the church there were tables set up with tablecloths and cute center pieces and a big screen TV on the wall, a strip of carpet at the front of the church, a curtain that acted as a wall, a cute bathroom way in the back of the building where items were stored that were for sale at one time. I was told that this building had been a Dollar General store and had been provided for Dawson Springs Revival Center for $200.00 a month. Y’all a church only paying $200.00 a month are you kidding me? If that’s not God then what or who is that? It was a comfortable place to meet to worship the Lord and have a revival but I knew that there was more that God wanted to do for this church. That first night that I attended the revival the table and chairs had been left up because we were going to partake in the very awesome leftovers from the ladies luncheon. It was an anointed and productive time in service that evening and the Lord showed me that these surroundings were only the beginnings of what God was going to do in this body of believers. On the back wall of the church, written on the wall, it said seasonal clothing. I shared that I saw this church as it is now in seasonal clothes and that as the seasons for this body changes so will it’s appearance and how it looks not only on the inside, but on the outside as well. I told them to leave that writing on the wall to remind them that their seasonal clothes were going to look very different years from now and that will be a reminder as to how God brought them from minimal beginnings in such a big way. Little did I know that first night about what all had been provided to this church, free of charge, for them so that they are actually a year or two, or more into what most churches would have three to five years into starting from scratch. This is a big sign that this revival and this church is what God had told the Coe’s to start in Dawson Springs.

I joined this group of people in Kentucky with only 7 days left of this 50-day revival and the second week of being a new church. I felt God asking me to stay there and I believe it was mainly to watch and learn about the miracles that were taking place in Dawson Springs. Miracles concerning or happening to the people attending consisted of physical healing of hips and backs and knees and also healing of emotional and mental things. Eyes, ears, sinuses, and fingers also and I’m sure things we will not know that happened as well. I also attended a service of healing in a nearby Methodist church where Heather and Eddie ministered. Cheryl, a ministry companion that travels with the Coe’s told me about the power she had seen during these 50 days of revival. She is a beautiful servant of the Lord.

Other miracles that I saw and learned about were to do with the church building. Heather had been searching around the internet to find tables for the conference and she found a lady that was going to sell her the tables but as Heather shared what the tables were for this lady began to offer for free to the church from her inventory not only the tables now for free, but chairs and even a bus. A bus! She asked Heather is the church could use a bus and Heathers said “Yes, we can”. Within that one phone call God provided tables, chairs, wedding materials (church’s do have weddings in them you know), a bus to get people to church in and other things that I’m not even aware of and on top of all of those free items, the church secured free carpet and new curtains for the building. Not only was the carpet free but the labor to install it was free courtesy of ministry friends Chuck and Tammy Whitfield and their kids and nephew. God also provided paint and materials for a bathroom. The people of Dawson Springs Revival Center all pitched in and did the work that it took to get the doors open for the church to be productive.

Looking back at what I saw in one week of being at this revival and all of the might works that God has done in marriages, and healing in bodies and healing in emotional things and hearing incredible worship and hearing the very unique way that Eddie delivers the Word of God, (he reads the Word and then explains it but he does with with truth that cuts right to the core of the issue inside of you, no just tickling ears or political correctness with him). Eddie is a strong teacher of the Word and Heather is an anointed worship leader able to break open the paths that the enemy tries to block in hearts. I would say this movement of God is right on Track and they are heading in the direction of God, full steam ahead. 

Personally, I have learned so much from the teaching of the Word from Eddie and from the sweet and anointed worship from Heather and the kindness and the determination of the members of Dawson Springs Revival Center to keep going forward with God that it has changed my life. I have learned that the revival that I was looking for was inside of me this whole time and now I’m learning how I carry that revival with me everywhere I go. I’m also learning that I can be just who I am and I don’t have to confirm to the standard around me to fit in or to follow God. Where am I learning this from, from Eddie’s teaching and from Heather’s worshiping. The Coe’s are online through the day having prayer, teaching and worship to reach as many as possible for the Kingdom of God.  

If you want to learn the things that I’m learning and see the kind of miracles that I’m seeing and if you have ever dreamed of starting a church, I encourage you to find the Coe’s online and start watching and learning from them.


Find them at:



Pictures from Dawson Springs Revival Center

 The Beginnings:

The Hard Work!

Stepping Out In Faith And Doing Church!

The New Carpet!

Dawson Springs KY was hit by the devastating tornados on 12- 11-21. As of today, 12-13-21 13 people have been reported deceased and about 100 people still unaccounted for. The town was basically destroyed. It's a small town of about 2,600 people. If you would like to make donations to help please contact the Pastor Adam Berry on his Facebook page to get an updated list of items to needed. This mighty work of God is blessing people through this difficult time. Please join them in brining the Gospel and Hope to Dawson Springs.